A cushion cut green bi-colour tourmaline gemstone is displayed on a white background.


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      62 products
      An emerald cut pale green and yellow tourmaline gemstone is displayed on a white background.
      An emerald cut bi-colour green tourmaline gemstone is displayed on a white background.
      Bi-colour Green Tourmaline 6.30ct

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      An emerald cut bi-colour deep pink and yellow tourmaline is displayed on a white background.
      An cushopn cut bi-colour pink and yellow tourmaline gemstone is displayed on a white background.
      An emerald cut bi-colour pink and yellow tourmaline gemstone is displayed on a white background.
      Sold Out
      A cushion cut vibrant green tourmaline gemstone is displayed on a white background.
      A cushion cut vibrant green tourmaline gemstone is displayed on a white background.
      Green Tourmaline 2.17ct

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